Artículos sobre: Game Servers

How to Upload a Custom World to Your 7 Days to Die Server

When you configure your server, you may want to upload a custom world to improve your 7 Days to Die experience. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of locating your local worlds and then uploading one of them to your server.

📝 Locate Your World 📝

To upload your custom world, you need to first generate it in single-player and find it as shown below:

Start 7 Days to Die, then generate a world in single-player.

Press the Windows button and type run, then press Enter.

Type in the box the following text, then click Ok: %appdata%\7DaysToDie\Saves.


Here you can find folders corresponding to each specific generation type. The world folders are located inside them, depending on the generation type used.

Get a copy of your generation folder, which contains the world folder. You will also have to note the name of the generation folder (Navezgane in the example below) and the world folder (My Game in the example below).

Generation Folder

World Folder

Now, you've just got a copy of your world folder!

💠 Custom Generation

If you are using a custom generation for your world, some extra steps are required:

Open your game installation folder, open the Data folder, then the Worlds folder.

Open the folder with the same name as your custom generation type, then open the file titled map_info.xml with a text editor like NotePad.

Locate the following options and note their values: HeightMapSize, Generation.Seed.

NOTE ⚠: The HeightMapSize may show up as two identical numbers. You need to note only one of the values.


🚀 How to Upload Your World 🚀

To upload an existing world, you need to:

Connect via WinSCP to your server and upload the world folder saved in the last steps under the User/Saves folder.

Here is our guide for connecting via WinSCP to your server.


Log in to your game server panel here.

Here is our guide for getting access to your 7d2d game server panel.

Click on your 7 Days to Die instance, then click on Manage, and then stop the server.



Click on Configuration, then on 7d2d - Gameplay Settings.

7d2d - Gameplay Settings

Find the Game World section and set it to the generation type folder name you saved in the steps above. Then find the Game Name section and set it to the actual world folder name you saved in the steps above.

Game World&Game Name

NOTE ⚠: If you are using a custom generation for your world, you will also have to fill in the World Gen Seed and World Gen Size fields with the actual values you noted in the steps above (Generation.Seed and HeightMapSize).

World Gen Seed&World Gen Size

Start your 7 Days to Die server by clicking on Status, then on Start.

Now you've just set up your custom world on your V Rising server.

🔄 How to Change Between Worlds 🔄

To switch back to your old world, you just need to:

Log in to your game server panel here.

Here is our guide for getting access to your 7d2d game server panel.

Click on your 7 Days to Die instance, then click on Manage, and then stop the server.



Click on Configuration, then on 7d2d - Gameplay Settings.

7d2d - Gameplay Settings

Find the Game World section, and set it back to your old generation type. Then find the Game Name and set it to the old world name you were using.

Game World&Game Name

NOTE ⚠: If you were using a custom generation for your world, you will also have to set back the World Gen Seed and World Gen Size fields to their old values.

World Gen Seed&World Gen Size

Start your 7 Days to Die server by clicking on Status, then on Start.

Now you've just changed back to your old world.

If you find any issues, contact us on live chat or via the ticket system.

❕ Useful Links ❕

- Getting Started - How to Access Your 7 Days to Die Server and Control Panel
- How to Add Admins and Enable the Cheat Mode on 7 Days to Die
- How to Use the Crypto Payment Method

Actualizado el: 27/02/2025

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