How to use the Minecraft Scoreboard

This guide will show you how to properly set up your Minecraft Scoreboard using the /scoreboard command.
This command is used to manage the scoreboard's objectives, players, and teams.
Before we start, we need to understand the meaning of the arguments for each command that we will use:
- ❓ The ones between ' <> ' are necessary for the command to work, you need to fill that campus with the correct argument.
- ❓ The ones between ' [] ' are not necessary for the command and usually are extra features. You can use the command leaving those spaces empty and it will still work.
🔌 Objectives 🔌
The Objective has 3 values, a name, a criterion, and a display name.
To manage your objectives you will use the following four commands which can add, remove, list, or change the way that the objectives are displayed in your scoreboard.
/scoreboard objectives add <objective> <criteria> [displayName]
This command will add an objective to your Scoreboard.
/scoreboard objectives remove <objective>
This command will remove an objective from your Scoreboard.
/scoreboard objectives list
This command will list all the existing objectives of your Scoreboard.
/scoreboard objectives setdisplay <slot> [objective]
This command will set a display name for your objective that will be shown in the Scoreboard.
General information about the commands mentioned above
🔎 The 'objective' argument will be the name of the objective that the game is using and it can not contain spaces within.
🔎 The 'criteria' argument can have the following values:
- dummy : Score is only changed by commands, and not by game events such as death. This is useful for event flags, state mappings, currencies.
- trigger : Score is only changed by commands, and not by game events such as death. The /trigger command can be used by a player to set or increment/decrement their own score in an objective with this criterion. The /trigger command fails if the objective has not been "enabled" for the player using it, and the objective is disabled for the player after using the /trigger command on it.
- deathCount : Score increments automatically for a player when they die.
- playerKillCount : Score increments automatically for a player when they kill another player.
- totalKillCount : Score increments automatically for a player when they kill another player or a mob.
- health: Ranges from 0 to 20 on a normal player. Represents the amount of half-hearts the player has. May appear as 0 for players before their health has changed for the first time. Extra hearts and absorption hearts also count to the health score, meaning that with Attributes/Modifiers or the Health Boost or Absorption status effects, health can far surpass 20.
- xp : Matches the total amount of experience the player has collected since their last death (or in other words, their score).
- level : Matches the current experience level of the player.
- food : Ranges from 0 to 20. Represents the number of hunger points the player has. May appear as 0 for players before their foodLevel has changed for the first time.
- air : Ranges from 0 to 300. Represents the amount of air the player has left from swimming underwater, matches the air nbt tag of the player.
- armor : Ranges from 0 to 20. Represents the amount of armor points the player has. May appear as 0 for players before their armor has changed for the first time.
- teamkill : Sub-criteria include team colors. Player scores increment when a player kills a member of the given colored team. These criteria follow the complete format teamkill.<team>, where <team> is a color from the list.
- killedByTeam : Sub-criteria include team colors. Player scores increment when a player has been killed by a member of the given colored team. These criteria follow the complete format killedByTeam.<team>, where <team> is a color from the list.
Accepted ID Names: "black", "dark_blue", "dark_green", "dark_aqua", "dark_red", "dark_purple", "gold", "gray", "dark_gray", "blue", "green", "aqua", "red", "light_purple", "yellow", "white"
🔎 The 'slot' argument will display in certain 'slots' in-game the player's scores in specific objectives. Each 'display slot' can show one objective at a time, and multiple 'display slots' may be used for the same or different objectives. You can use the following as 'slot':
- belowName : Shows the score and the objective's display name below the player's name.
- list : Shows the score as a yellow number where the online players are displayed.
- sidebar : Shows the score on the right side of the screen.
-<color> : Shows the score for your team color on the right side of the screen.
The <color> value can be one of: aqua, black, blue, dark_aqua, dark_blue, dark_gray, dark_green, dark_purple, dark_red, gold, gray, green, light_purple, red, white, yellow.
🔎 The 'displayName' is the name of the objective that players will see and you can include empty spaces within it. If no 'displayName' is provided, it will be automatically set to 'objective' as the display name.
❓ Teams ❓
Teams consist of a name, a display name, a member name prefix, a member name suffix, a boolean allow friendly fire option and a list of players who are on the team.
💠 The /team command
For version higher than the 1.12 one ( 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16) you will need to use the /team command instead of the /scoreboard teams command.
You will use the following commands to manage your teams in your Scoreboard:
/team add <team> [displayName]
It will add a new team to your Scoreboard.
🤔 Examples:
/team add team1 EXAMPLE
This command will add the team1 to your scoreboard with the display name in the scoreboard set to EXAMPLE.
/team empty <team>
This command will remove all players from a team.
/team join <team> [player]
This command will assign a player to the specified team.
🤔 Examples:
/team join team1 player1
This command will assign player1 to the team1.
/team leave <player>
This command will remove a player from the specified team.
🤔 Examples:
/team leave player1
This command will remove the player1 from the according team he is assigned to.
/team list
This command will list all existing teams.
/team list <team>
This command will list all players from the specified team.
/team modify <team> collisionRule <always¦never¦pushOtherTeams¦pushOwnTeam>
This command will manage the collision rule on the specified team.
/team modify <team> color <teamColor>
This command will assign a color to a team.
/team modify <team> deathMessageVisibility <messageOption>
This command will manage the visibility of death messages for players on the specified team.
/team modify <team> displayName <newDisplayName>
This command will change the display name for the team.
/team modify <team> friendlyFire <true|false>
This command will enable or disable friendly fire for the specified team.
/team modify <team> nametagVisibility <nametagOption>
This command will manage the visibility of name tags for players on the specified team.
/team modify <team> prefix <prefix>
This command will change the prefix for the team.
/team modify <team> seeFriendlyInvisibles <true|false>
This command will enable whether you can see invisible team members.
/team modify <team> suffix <suffix>
This command will change the suffix of the team.
/team remove <team>
This command will remove a team from your Scoreboard.
General Information about the commands mentioned above
🔎 The team is the name of the team that is used internally in Minecraft. It can not contain spaces.
🔎 The displayName is optional. It is the name of the team that players will see. It must be formatted as json. If no value is provided, the team will be used when displaying the objective on the screen.
🔎 The newDisplayName is the new display name for the team formatted as json.
🔎 The teamColor is the color to assign to the team.
It can be one of the following values: aqua, black, blue, dark_aqua, dark_blue, dark_gray, dark_green, dark_purple, dark_red, gold, gray, green, light_purple, red, reset, white, yellow
🔎 The MessageOption determines how death message will be displayed for players on the team. It can be one of the following values:
- always: Death messages will always appear in the Chat window for the players on that team. This is the default.
- never: No death messages will appear in the Chat window for the players on that team
- hideForOtherTeams: Death messages will be visible for members of that team, but not to players on other teams
- hideForOwnTeam: Death messages will be hidden for members of that team, but visible for players on other teams
🔎 The nametagOption determines how nametags will be displayed for players on the team. It can be one of the following values:
- always: Nametags will always show above the players on that team. This is the default.
- hideForOtherTeams: Nametags will be visible for members of that team, but players on other teams will not see the nametag
- hideForOwnTeam: Nametags will be hidden for members of that team, but players on other teams will see the nametag
- never: No nametags will show above the players on that team
💠 The /scoreboard teams command.
For version higher lower than the 1.12 one ( 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12) you will need to use the /scoreboard teams command.
You will use the following commands to manage your teams in your Scoreboard:
/scoreboard teams add <teamName> [displayName]
This command will add a new team to your scoreboard with the mentioned display name.
🤔 Examples:
/scoreboard teams add team1 EXAMPLE
This command will add the team1 with the display name in your scoreboard as EXAMPLE.
/scoreboard teams remove <teamName>
This command will remove a team from your scoreboard.
🤔 Examples:
/scoreboard teams remove team1
This command will remove team1 from your scoreboard.
/scoreboard teams join <teamName> [player]
This command will assign a player to the team.
🤔 Examples:
/scoreboard teams join team1 player1
This command will add the player1 to the team1.
/scoreboard teams leave <teamName> [player]
This command will remove a player from the team.
🤔 Examples:
/scoreboard teams leave team1 player1
This command will remove player1 from the team1.
/scoreboard teams empty <teamName>
This command will remove all players from the mentioned team.
/scoreboard teams list
This command will list all existing teams.
/scoreboard teams list <teamName>
This command will list all existing players from the specified team.
/scoreboard teams option <teamName> color <teamColor>
This command will assign a color to the team.
/scoreboard teams option <teamName> friendlyfire <true|false>
This command will enable or disable friendly fire in the specified team.
🤔 Examples:
/scoreboard teams option team1 friendlyfire true
This command will enable friendly fire for team1.
/scoreboard teams option <teamName> nametagVisibility <nametagOption>
This command will manage the visibility of nametags for players in the specified team.
/scoreboard teams option <teamName> deathMessageVisibility <messageOption>
This command will manage the visibility of death messages for players on the specified team.
🔎 The objective is the name of the objective that is used internally in Minecraft. It can not contain spaces.
🔎 The criteria is the type of objective. It can be one of the following:
- <achievement>: One of the built-in achievements in Minecraft.
- <statistic>: One of the built-in statistics in Minecraft.
- deathCount: Tracks the number of times the player dies.
- playerKillCount: Tracks the number of times the player kills another player.
- totalKillCount: Tracks the number of times the player kills another player or mob.
- health: Tracks the player's health, as measured by half-hearts. This can not be changed manually, it only changes when the player's health changes.
- dummy: This objective type is not changed by game events. It can only be updated by commands.
- trigger: This objective type is not changed by game events. It can only be updated by commands. This objective type can be modified by players.
🔎 The displayName is optional. It is the name of the objective that players will see. There can be spaces in the name. If no displayName is provided, the objective will be used when displaying the objective on the screen.
🔎 The slot determines where the scores will be displayed in the game. It can be one of the following:
- belowName: Shows the score and the objective's display name below the player's name.
- list: Shows the score as a yellow number where the online players are displayed.
- sidebar: Shows the score on the right side of the screen.
-<color>: Shows the score for your team color on the right side of the screen.
The <color> value can be one of: aqua, black, blue, dark_aqua, dark_blue, dark_gray, dark_green, dark_purple, dark_red, gold, gray, green, light_purple, red, white, yellow
🌲 Players 🌲
/scoreboard players list
This command will list all existing players from your scoreboard.
/scoreboard players list <player>
This command will list all scores for the specified player.
/scoreboard players list *
This command will list the scores for all players.
/scoreboard players set <player> <objective> <score> [dataTag]
This command will set the specified objective to the specified player.
/scoreboard players set * <objective> <score> [dataTag]
This command will set the score for an objective as the mentioned one for all players.
/scoreboard players add <player> <objective> <count> [dataTag]
This command will increment the score of the specified objective by the 'count' value.
/scoreboard players add * <objective> <count> [dataTag]
This command will increment the score of the specified objective by the 'count' for all players.
/scoreboard players remove <player> <objective> <count> [dataTag]
This command will decrement the score of the specified objective by the 'count' value.
/scoreboard players remove * <objective> <count> [dataTag]
This command will decrement the score of the specified objective by the 'count' for all players.
/scoreboard players reset <player> <objective>
This command will delete the score of the specified objective for the specified player.
/scoreboard players reset * <objective>
This command will delete the score of the specified objective for all players.
/scoreboard players reset <player>
This command will delete all scores for a player.
/scoreboard players reset *
This command will delete all scores for all players.
/scoreboard players test <player> <objective> <min> [max]
This command will test whether a score falls within the range <min> and <max> (inclusive) for the specified player.
/scoreboard players test * <objective> <min> [max]
This command will test whether a score falls within the range <min> and <max> (inclusive) for all players.
/scoreboard players enable <player> <trigger>
This command will enable a player to use the /trigger command on a trigger objective.
/scoreboard players tag <player> add <tagName> [dataTag]
This command will add a tag to the specified player.
/scoreboard players tag <player> remove <tagName> [dataTag]
This command will remove a tag from the specified player.
/scoreboard players tag <player> list
This command will list the tags for the specified player.
General information about the commands mentioned above
🔎 The player is the name of the player (or a target selector).
🔎 The objective is the name of the objective used internally in Minecraft.
🔎 The score is a numeric value to assign to the objective.
🔎 The dataTag is optional. It is a compound NBT tag (formerly called data tag) for the player.
🔎 The count is the value to add or subtract from a player's score for an objective.
🔎 The min is a numeric value.
🔎 The max is optional. It is a numeric value. The default value is 2147483647.
The /tag command
For version higher than the 1.12 one ( 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16) you will need to use the /tag command instead of the /scoreboard players tag command.
You will use the following commands to manage tags for your players.
/tag <targets> add <name>
This command will add a tag to the specified player.
/tag <targets> remove <name>
This command will remove a tag from the specified player.
/tag <targets> list
This command will list all tags for the specified player.**
💠 General information about the commands mentioned above:
🔎 The targets is the name of the player (or a target selector) that you wish to target.
🔎 The name is the name of the tag to add or remove from the targeted players and it can not contain spaces.
If you find any issues setting up your Scoreboard please feel free to contact us via live chat or via the ticket system here.
❕ Useful Links ❕
- Vanilla Commands
- Players Can't Break Blocks (Spawn Protection)
- How to Use the Minecraft Whitelist
Updated on: 05/06/2021
Thank you!