How to Use the Minecraft Whitelist

Do you want to prevent strange players from joining your server? Or only allow a few? This article will help you do this.
❓ What is the Whitelist ❓
The Whitelist is a list of players that are allowed to join your server. If the Whitelist is enabled, players that are not listed there will not be able to join, being automatically kicked.
NOTE: Whitelists are a great alternative to creating passwords for your server, which can only be done through Bukkit / Spigot plugins.
Please note that to use the following commands from this article you need to first OP yourself as our guide tells here.
NOTE: If you are using commands in the console you need to do it without the / at the beginning.
🔌 Managing the Whitelist via Commands 🔌
You can manage your Whitelist using console commands.
💠 Enable/ Disable
You can enable and disable your whitelist through the game or in your console as well.

If you are playing Minecraft on your server, you can run:
/whitelist on
To enable your whitelist.
/whitelist off
To disable your whitelist.
💠 Add/ Remove Players
If you want to add friends to your Whitelist you need to run the following command:

If you are inside your server playing Minecraft. You can type:
/whitelist add <nickname>
To add a player in the Whitelist.
/whitelist remove <nickname>
To remove a player from the Whitelist.
💠 Refresh Your Whitelist
If it seems like these commands are not working, you can refresh your Whitelist.
/whitelist reload.
This command will reload your server’s Whitelist file.
/whitelist list.
Show all players from your Whitelist.
🔌 Managing the Whitelist Via the Multicraft Panel 🔌
You can manage your Whitelist using the Multicraft panel.
💠 Find Your Current Whitelist
In order to see your actual whitelist you need to:
Log in to your Multicraft panel here.
Click on Tools, then on Whitelist Editor.

There you have your full whitelist.

💠 Enable/ Disable
In order to enable or disable the Whitelist via the Multicraft panel you need to:
Log in to your Multicraft panel here.
Click on Tools, then on Whitelist Editor.

Find Status:, then click on Enable Whitelist or Disable Whitelist.
💠 Add/ Remove Players
In order to add or remove players from your Whitelist using the Multicraft panel you need to:
Log in to your Multicraft panel here.
Click on Tools, then on Whitelist Editor.

Put the player username under Username: and UUID under UUID and then click on Add.

Here is our guide for finding a player's UUID.
🔩 Activate the Whitelist Manually 🔩
You probably won't need to do this, but if the whitelist is not activating, you can activate it through Multicraft.
Login into your Multicraft here and stop your server.
Go to Files, then on Config Files.

Click on Server Settings.

Find Whitelisting and set it to Enabled, then click on Save and start your server after.

Now you just enabled your Whitelist manually.
If you find any issue setting up or using the Whitelist please feel free to contact us on live chat or via the ticket system.
❕ Useful Links ❕
- The Difference Between Standard & Premium
- Vanilla Commands
- How to use the Minecraft Scoreboard
Updated on: 09/09/2022
Thank you!