Artikel über: Minecraft Bedrock Edition

How to Use the Whitelist on Your Bedrock Server

Do you want to prevent strange players from joining your server?  Or only allow a few?

This guide will show you how to properly use the Whitelist option on your Bedrock Dedicated server.

❓ What is the Whitelist ❓

The Whitelist is a list of players that are allowed to join your server. If the whitelist is enabled, players that are not listed here will not be able to join and will be automatically kicked.

Please note that to use the following commands from this article, you need to first OP yourself.

Here is our guide telling how to OP yourself on your Bedrock server.

NOTE: If you are using commands in the console, you need to do it without the / at the beginning.

Bedore editing your whitelist, you will need to make sure that the allow-list option is set to true in your server settings in order for it to work.

💠 Enable the allow-list option in your server settings.

Log in to your Multicraft panel here.

Click on Files, then on Config Files.

Select Server Settings.

Set the allow-list option to true and make sure to click Save at the bottom.

🔌 Managing the Whitelist via the Multicraft Tool 🔌

You can manage your whitelist using our Multicraft whitelist editor tool.

💠 Find Your Current Whitelist

To see your actual whitelist, you need to:

Log in to your Multicraft panel here.

Click on Tools, then on Whitelist Editor.

Whitelist Editor

There you have your full whitelist.


💠 Enable/ Disable

To enable or disable the whitelist via the Multicraft tool, you need to:

Log in to your Multicraft panel here.

Click on Tools, then on Whitelist Editor.

Whitelist Editor

Find Status to see if the whitelist is enabled or not at the moment, then click on Enable Whitelist or Disable Whitelist.


💠 Add/ Remove Players

To add or remove players from your whitelist using the Multicraft tool, you need to:

Log in to your Multicraft panel here.

Click on Tools, then on Whitelist Editor.

Whitelist Editor

Click on Add Player, then put in his username and UUID when you are asked.

Add Player



Here is our guide for finding a player's UUID.

Click on Add, then on OK and Restart.


Ok and Restart

Now you just added a player to your whitelist.

You can go back to your whitelist and click on Remove to get a player removed.


🔩 Enable the Whitelist Manually 🔩

You can enable the whitelist on your Bedrock server via the Multicraft panel or manually.

💠 Enable via the Multicraft Panel

To enable the whitelist via the Multicraft panel, you need to:

Log in to your Multicraft panel here and stop your server.

Stop Your Server

Click on Files, then on Config Files.

Config Files

Click on Server Settings.

Server Settings

Find the Whitelisting option, set it to Enabled, and click on Save at the bottom of the page.


Start your server.

Start Your Server

Now you just enabled the Whitelist option in your Bedrock server.

💠 Enable Manually

To enable the whitelist manually, you need to:

Log in to your Multicraft panel here and stop your server.

Stop Your Server

Click on Files, then on FTP Files Access, and log in using the Multicraft password.

FTP Files Access

Log in

Find the file, click on it, then click on Edit.

Set white-list=true, then click on Save.


Start your server.

Start Your Server

Now you just enabled the Whitelist option in your Bedrock server.

🔩 Managing the Whitelist via Commands  🔩

To manage your whitelist, you will use the following commands:

/whitelist add <username>

To add a player to the whitelist.

/whitelist remove <username>

To remove a player from the whitelist.

/whitelist reload.

This command will reload your server’s whitelist file.

/whitelist list.

Show all players from your whitelist.

If you find any issue setting up or using the whitelist please feel free to contact us on live chat or via the ticket system.

❕ Useful Links ❕

- Bedrock Dedicated Introduction
- How to Turn On Show Coordinates Option on My Bedrock Server
- How to Upload Your Custom World on a Bedrock Server

Aktualisiert am: 27/02/2025

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