How to Remove Unwanted Chunks Using MCASelector

This guide will show you how to properly remove unwanted chunks using MCASelector, which is a world editor.
⚠ NOTE ⚠: We highly recommend you start the process by backing up your world so you have a copy in case anything goes wrong in the process! Our guide to backing up your world can be found here.
🤔 Why Should You Remove Chunks 🤔
The process of removing chunks from your world can be useful for many reasons, such as:
Improving performance by removing chunks that are not used anymore, that are old, or that are in use in areas that are not useful to players.
Generating predefined structures again, such as an End city.Deleting chunks regenerates them.
Getting rid of a specific chunk in case you want to remove it or in case you want to edit your world.
Removing a specific chunk in the event of a ticking entity error.
❓ What Is MCASelector and How to Set It Up ❓
MCASelector is a free world editor for Minecraft worlds that you can use to view, edit, or change the world from your server.
⚠ NOTE ⚠: You will have to first download your world to be able to load it in MCASelector. After changing what you need, you will have to reupload your world.
Our guide for downloading your world is here, and our guide for uploading it back to your server is here.
For more details about MCASelector, you can see the official page here.
To set up MCASelector on your PC, you will have to:
Download the version you need (either the Windows Installer one or the Universal one) from the official page here. The version could be different by the time you read this. Newer is always better, though!

Double-click the downloaded file to launch the MCASelector application.
🚫 How to Remove Unwanted Chunks 🚫
After setting up MCASelector, we can get to removing chunks from our current world.
To do so, you will have to first download your world, as our guide says here here.
Also, it is highly recommended to make a backup before, so you have a copy of your world in case anything happens in the process. Our guide to backing up your world can be found here.
To start removing chunks, you will have to:
Open the MCASelector and click on File, then on Open Region and find the world folder you just downloaded from your server.

Find the region files or folder for the dimension you want, then open it.

The Overworld region files are usually located right in the regions folder inside your world folder, but the Nether and End ones are located in the folders called DIM-1 and DIM1.
Now you will have to select the chunks you want to remove by clicking on them. You can also click and drag to select bigger areas.

⚠ NOTE ⚠: Right-clicking will remove chunks from your selection, and the wheel button can be used to navigate through the world.
⚠ NOTE ⚠: You will have to zoom in as much as you can to see the 'real' chunks, which are 16x16.
After selecting all the chunks you want to remove, click on Selection, then on Delete selected chunks.

Click on OK in the following pop-up.

You just removed all the selected chunks!
🚀 Using the Filter System 🚀
As a world editor, MCASelector presents an interesting option: the filter system. It helps you select multiple chunks or areas using specific rules.
For example, you can use the filter system to select areas from one specific point to another or to select chunks that have not been visited by players in the last 24 hours.
To use the filter system, you will have to:
Open the MCASelector and click on Tools, then on Filter Chunks.

Start making new rules by changing the given options.

The following are some of the most interesting rules you can use to select chunks:
LastUpdate - To select chunks that were loaded before or after a specific time, which you select.
Palette - To select chunks that contain specific blocks by name.
xPos, yPos, and zPos - To select chunks on a given axis X, Y, and Z; the center of your world will be considered the 0 on all axes, and you will be able to select blocks/areas that are lower or higher than a specific number on the specified axis.
InhabitedTime - To select chunks that were not visited for a specified time by players.
You can use the rules above in many instances to clear unwanted chunks, and it will be easier and faster to select them this way.
Tick the box for Select, then click on OK.

✂️ How to Remove Ticking Entities ✂️
You can use the MCASelector to remove ticking entities from your world. You can remove the chunk containing it.
A ticking entity is a mob/creature/NPC that has become corrupt in your world. A ticking block entity is the same as a ticking entity. The only difference is that this refers to a corrupted block rather than an NPC.
Our guide to ticking entities can be found here.
Also, it is highly recommended to make a backup before, so you have a copy of your world in case anything happens in the process. Here is our guide for backing up your world.
💠 Identify the Ticking Entity/ Block Entity Coordinates
Usually, when the game is trying to load or process anything about that entity, it simply crashes due to its corrupted state, and you will most likely find the following error:
You should be able to access the crash report and use our Crash Log Scanner to get your crash report mentioning the entity X, Y, and Z coordinates.
Here is our guide explaining how to use the Crash Log Scanner.
To find the coordinates of the ticking entity/block entity, you need to follow the next steps:
Log in to your Multicraft panel here.
Click on Files, then on Crash Logs.

Find the desired entry and click on Scan.

The name and X, Y, Z coordinates of the entity will be shown. Note them.

💠 Remove the Chunk Containing the Entity
After learning the exact coordinates of the entity that is crashing your server, you can remove the entire chunk that contains it to solve the error.
MCASelector has an option to search for entities where you can also input the coordinates.
⚠ NOTE ⚠: You will have to first download the world experiencing the issue to be able to load it using MCASelector. Here you can find our guide explaining how to download your world.
To remove the chunk containing the entity, you need to:
Open the MCASelector and click on File, then on Open Region and find the world folder you just downloaded from your server.

Find the `region files or folder for the dimension you want, then open it.

The Overworld region files are usually located right in the regions folder inside your world folder, but the Nether and End ones are located in the folders called DIM-1 and DIM1.
Click on Tools, then on Filter Chunks.

Click on the + button to add three new entries, then change them to:

Fill in the entity type using its namespace ID and the X, Y, Z coordinates you noted, then click on Ok.

Now, MCASelector will select the exact chunk that contains the entity that is crashing your server.
Click on Selection, then on Delete selected chunks.

Click on OK in the following pop-up.

Now you just removed the chunk containing the specific entity. All that is left is to upload the world back to your server.
Our guide on how to upload a world to your server can be found here.
If you find any issues removing unwanted chunks from your world please contact us on live chat or via the ticket system.
❕ Useful Links ❕
- How to View and Change Your World Seed
- How to Pre-Generate Your World
- How to Set Up and Use a World Border
Updated on: 09/23/2022
Thank you!