How to Create a New World

Creating a new world is an easy operation and we’ll show you how to step by step!
We also have a guide for renaming your current world here!
🗺️ How to Create a New World 🗺️
To create a new world please do the following:
Log into your Multicraft here and stop your server.
Click on Create World.

Complete the information to your liking, and click on Create.
You can name your world here, choose the difficulty and mode of the game as well as use a custom seed if you want.

We have a guide here explaining the Leve Type option and also one explaining about the server seed here.
Start your server.
Now you just generated a new world!
❌ How to Reset Your World ❌
In case you do not want to backup anything and you just want to reset your actual world, you can do it fast using our Multicraft tool.
NOTE: Your current progress will be wiped if you reset your world!
In order to reset your world you need to:
Log in to your Multicraft here and stop your server.
Click on Reset.

Confirm by typing your password in the text box, then click on Reset World.

Start your server.
🔄 How to Change Between Existing Worlds 🔄
To change back to your old world you need to:
Log in to your Multicraft here and stop your server.
Find the World section in your main Multicraft page, click on the drop-down menu, select the wanted world and then click on Save.

Start your server!
Now you just changed back to your old world.
We also have a guide for renaming your current world here!
Feel free to open a ticket in your client area if you need any further assistance.
❕ Useful Links ❕
- How to View and Change Your World Seed
- How to Change Your Server's Level-Type
- Flying is not enabled on this server
Updated on: 07/30/2021
Thank you!